Analogue Collection

Standard Circle Cartridge Tonearm
  Circle 25    




the  full  circle  system





1999年 Wilson Benesch 推出 Circle 黑膠唱盤系統Circle 唱盤造型輕巧,狀似現代建築,採碳纖維條棒為其主避振結構,並輔以橡膠做雙重避振。動力部份採直流馬達,皮帶傳動,33/ 45 轉可調變。






ACT 0.5 唱臂亦是以交錯編織的碳纖維管為基礎,一樣配有原廠獨創的動態單點結構,循跡精準、動態自由度極高, 有著開闊的音精準的音色表現,價位則具廣效性與親和力。


Full Circle System 配置 MC唱頭 Ply採用高品質機芯與 Wilson Benesch 獨有的碳纖維上殼,與唱臂形成材料介面之一致性是避震設計之系統性傑作





歷經市場的殷切期盼Wilson Benesch 終於推出了 Full Circle 唱盤系統專屬

整體座架以全金屬製成主結構使用 W.Benesch 特有的擠壓成型金屬龍脊鋼架


此座架系統考量了 Full Circle System 整體質量配置基座底板並以 W.Benesch

自製的尖錐接地以成避振介面能使 Full Circle 的重播表現最佳化


人體工學結合造型美學這又是 W.Benesch 的另一傑作


Full Circle on Stand






Wilson Benesch 類比盤臂調整秘笈,開放下載 !

Wilson Benesch - Analogue Manual, pdf 2.39MB  >>       Download


Discovery Science 科學頻道節目 "原來如此"觀賞  >>    How It's Made



Full Circle System

the Circle - turntable

Advanced materials used throughout.

Totally unique design concept.

Low mass design.

Immensely stiff unidirectional carbon fibre rods used in the principle structural components.

High tolerance phosphor bronze plain bearing with tool steel spindle.


the ACT 0.5 - curved carbon fibre tonearm

Wilson Benesch tonearms are quite unlike any other tonearm design in every respect.

Unique curved carbon fibre arm tube.

Unique Kinematic bearing.
Exhibits stiction free operation.
Will last indefinitely.
Every one sounds the same.
Unaffected by temperature.

Dynamic damping is a natural function of the design.
High pressure contact points between all moving surfaces.

Unique counterbalance arrangement.
Provides non compliant counter mass.
Provides azimuth adjustments.
Provides bearing stabilization.

Unique sound unlike any metal (conventional) product.


the Ply - moving coil cartridge

The ply is the perfect starting point for the circle, complimenting as it does the advance materials technology used in both the tonearm and the turntable.

The Ply is a derivative of the Matrix cartridge.

The ply is sold as part of the Full Circle Package.

The maintenance costs are excellent.

The net result is a robust design that provides no unnecessary frills. What is achieved is maximum performance at a highly competitive price.




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